Mental Health Agency Director Finally Answers…. (Nov 21, 2019) Washington City Paper, By Amanda Michelle Gomez

D.C.’s mental health agency was asked to speak to several concerning incidents during a Council oversight hearing Wednesday night, including why the city’s sole public psychiatric hospital went without clean water for a month, and what systems are in place to prevent that from happening again. But the head of the agency could not provide satisfactory answers, as the department is still reviewing what exactly happened in September. Continue reading “Mental Health Agency Director Finally Answers…. (Nov 21, 2019) Washington City Paper, By Amanda Michelle Gomez”

D.C. must provide answers on the unprovoked killing of Javed Bhutto

JAVED BHUTTO was shot and killed March 1 as he unloaded groceries from the trunk of his car in the parking lot of his condo complex in Southeast Washington. His alleged killer was his neighbor, a man who had killed someone else in another unprovoked shooting but had been found not guilty by reason of insanity, and was released after 17 years of treatment at St. Elizabeths Hospital. He had been deemed safe to be released to the community, and he was supposed to have been closely monitored. Continue reading “D.C. must provide answers on the unprovoked killing of Javed Bhutto”

Murder Case in DC Raises Questions about the Insanity Defense and Predictions of Dangerousness.

A recent murder has raised a number of broader deeper issues regarding the insanity defense and the danger that those found to be insane pose to society.

Unfortunately there is a societal myth, that has been disproved by sociological empirical studies, that persons with mental illness pose a greater risk to society than those who don’t have a mental illness. Those who have a mental illness are no more likely to commit crime than those who don’t have a mental illness. Continue reading “Murder Case in DC Raises Questions about the Insanity Defense and Predictions of Dangerousness.”

No sane reason Hilman Jordan was let out of a D.C. mental hospital 17 years after shooting a man. Now he’s accused of killing again.

Javed Bhutto, a caregiver to mentally disabled adults, got home from work about 11 that morning with bags of groceries in his Toyota Corolla. After his overnight shift at a residential facility, he had stopped in a supermarket with a list from his wife. In the parking lot of the small condo complex where the couple lived, he stepped out of his car in the chill March air, opened the trunk and reached for his bundles. Continue reading “No sane reason Hilman Jordan was let out of a D.C. mental hospital 17 years after shooting a man. Now he’s accused of killing again.”

SANA Announces Jawaid Bhutto Scholarship

Sindhi Association of North America has concluded its 35th convention in Toronto with the announcement of the Jawaid Bhutto scholarship for students in Pakistan.

SANA also resolved in favor of naming Jawaid’s former department at Sindh University the `Jawaid Bhutto Department of Philosophy.’ Moreover, participants extended support to a future Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences to be created in Jawaid’s name at Sindh University, Jamshoro. Continue reading “SANA Announces Jawaid Bhutto Scholarship”

Jawaid’s Work Place in Virginia Pays Rich Tributes for his Services (June 15, 2019)

Glowing tributes were paid on June 15 to Jawaid Bhutto for his work as a mental health counselor at Welford Street Community Residences Inc. in Virginia.

The management of CRI and his colleagues described Jawaid as a thorough professional, who arrived on time, inspected the quarters to make sure that mentally challenged residents were “still alive” and then proceeded to ask the shift staff if they had fulfilled their duties. Continue reading “Jawaid’s Work Place in Virginia Pays Rich Tributes for his Services (June 15, 2019)”

JB Assailant Locked up Without Parole

In the first preliminary hearing held on Monday Jawaid Bhutto’s attacker was sent back to prison without the possibility of parole.

Wearing an orange jump suit with his hands in handcuffs, defendant Hilman Ray Jordan was brought by US marshals in Judge Lee’s court and asked by the judge if he was prepared to face a preliminary hearing. On the advice of his counsel, he waived the right for a hearing to defend his actions. Continue reading “JB Assailant Locked up Without Parole”

In Memory of Jawaid Bhutto

It was but yesterday that
you were moving with the moving sea
and you were shoreless and without a self
Then the wind, the breath of Life
wove you, a veil of light on her face
Then her hand gathered you
and gave you form,
and with a head held high
you sought the heights
But the sea followed after you,
and her song is still with you.
(Shoreless without a Self – Khalil Gibran)

Three Weeks Ago in Anacostia, Washington DC

After his recovery from GBS, Jawaid & I took walks in Anacostia Park to help his nerves gain full recovery. This photo was taken three weeks before the cowardly attack on him. A day before that incident on March 1, we had resolved to speed up the exercise process to help him regain full strength. It was also meant as a prelude to our trip back home.