Civil Society to Rally Against Guns in Karachi on Sunday

‘Citizens Against Weapons’ is holding a `Walk a Cause’ on Nov 27 in Karachi to demand an end to the 12 million illegal weapons floating in Pakistan

The march will begin at 10:45 am on Sunday the 27th November 2016 at Sea View. (Walk from in front of McDonald’s Restaurant to Chunky Monkey and back), to demand that no citizen, regardless of his/her status be allowed to possess, carry or display any weapon of any kind – licensed or otherwise.

All private militias regardless of their patrons be completely disbanded in compliance with Article 256 of the Constitution.

No weapon licenses be permitted and those issued earlier be canceled.

Import, sale, transportation, delivery and display of all kinds of weapons be banned.

Please spread the word among your family, colleagues, students and those on your fan list.

Citizens Against Weapons demands are endorsed by hundreds of peace-loving citizens and the following organisations:

CAW Citizens Against Weapons
CPLC Citizens-Police Liaison Committee
HRCP Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
PILER Labour & Education Research
Shehri Citizens for a better Environment
Shirkat Gah Womens’ Resource Centre
Tehrik-e-Niswan Cultural Action Group
PMA Pakistan Medical Association
CTAC Citizens Trust Against Crime
CLF Children’s Literature Festival
AF Aurat Foundation

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