If there is one word that describes why over 1,000 people flocked from across the US to attend the 34th annual convention of the Sindhi Association of North America in the Greater Washington area – it is the word nostalgia.
Men, women and children from Sindhi families took advantage of the July 4 holiday in the middle of the week to stay in the North Bethesda Marriot Hotel and socialize extensively.
At the heart of the conversations was the sheer love and concern about the state of the motherland, especially Sindh, where the human index for development is among the lowest in the world.
The upcoming elections, coupled with the recent startling developments under which the thrice elected prime minister now has prison awaiting for him, was the topic that would constantly keep the circles buzzing.
Also under discussion were the extensive health, education and social welfare programs that SANA funds inside Sindh.
Keynote addresses ranged from `,What was the Idea of Pakistan at Partition, What it Should be Now,’ delivered by visiting professor Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy, `Sindh, What then must we Do,’ by Shahab Usto and `Thar Coal Project’ by Shamsuddin Shaikh.
Festivities included the annual banquet and music by Sanam Marvi and Saif Samejo.