Women’s Action Forum shocked by brutal murders of 3 girls

PESHAWAR, Oct 21: The Women Action Forum (WAF) has expressed deep concern over the recent killing of three young women, whose charred bodies were found in the provincial metropolis, and the attempts to influence the investigation into the gory incident.

A press release issued here on Friday said the incident had shocked all and sundry as the burnt-down bodies of the women, stated to be between 18 to 24 years of age, were found dumped in Chan Mari locality of Tehkal area of the Peshawar district.

The WAF stated that it was matter of anguish that even in the 21st century the detestable crimes of killing of women and burning their bodies were taking place.

The women rights group believed nobody could have dared to resort to such a gruesome act had those who committed similar crimes in the past been brought to justice.

The WAF voiced anger at the reports being spread by some unscrupulous elements in a section of the media who were casting aspersions on the character of the murdered women to influence the police investigation as nobody was there to defend the victims.

The women rights group called for a fair and speedy probe into the brutal murder of three women by tracing the culprits and have them punished. “Attempts to mislead the public and investigators will not work. Justice should be done in this case. Crimes against women cannot be condoned under any garb,” concluded the WAF statement

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